Thursday, October 9, 2008

Finger Lickin' Good

Posted by "Yeastie Stu".

The first week of Yeastie Boys in the wider public eye...

We made the front page of the Dominion Post's business section, thanks to a little piece of 'beer-for-fish' trading with the journalist over the fence (long story but not as long as the one about the one that got away).

We started selling some Yeast-T's, as modelled by Sam in the Dom Post picture, which is nice because the beer money won't start coming in for a few weeks yet.

Everyone asked me why I didn't wear my Yeast-T. That was part of the reason and the people who asked whould have known better ;-).

Our beer-loving friends at Ratebeer enjoyed Pot Kettle Black as much as we'd hoped. This means more to us than most people would realise. These guys are our peers, afterall we are beer drinkers first and foremost.

My bro, Steve, was the first to get a rigger of Pot Kettle Black at Regional Wines and Spirits. That's ironic, considering I only just recently brewed him 19L of beer for his 45th birthday. He then went home and worked up the following recipe:

Venison sausages, with garlic mash, caramalised onion and peas – served with a Yeastie Boys, Pot Kettle Black (PKB) and balsamic sauce.

Get very good quality venison sausages. Don’t over cook the venison sausages! Boil potatoes boil with 3 or 4 garlic cloves, mash with an egg, some butter and dash of milk. Caramalise the onions with some olive oil and brown sugar – cook them over a low heat until nicely browned and sweet. After the sausages are cooked place in oven to keep warm, deglaze the pan with PKB and balsamic, add some brown sugar and reduce. Serve with peas and a glass of Yeastie Boys, Pot Kettle Black – delicious!

Oh yeh, and in other news, Yeasayer rocked the San Francisco Bath House, let the audience join in for the last song, and seemed to have as much fun as if they were riding a Metropolitan train. What a gig! I've been to a few good ones this year but this one was a firecracker. If only the Sassy Red had been in better form... or, better, Yeastie Boys had been on tap.